General Surgery

Please call 01622 538204 or email if you have any questions about our general surgery services.

See also:

Minor/Superficial Surgery

At times lumps and bumps can appear on your body and while most lumps are benign (non cancerous) it is important to have them checked to be sure of exactly what they are and whether or not they need treatment. Examples of benign skin lumps include:

  • Sebaceous cysts: skin lumps filled with fluid.
  • Skin nodules formed by inflammation of the skin.
  • Lipoma: small lumps of fat cells.
  • Fibromas or fibro adenomas: lumps of fibrous or glandular tissue.
  • Haematoma: a lump formed by blood escaping into the tissue (a large bruise).
  • Haemangioma: a lump formed by extra growth of blood vessels.
  • Papilloma: a lump of skin or internal membrane cells, for example.

Surgery for Lumps and Bumps

It is usually performed as a day case procedure, under local anaesthetic, using minimally invasive techniques with the aim of removing the lump or bump and causing minimal scarring. Options for treatment will depend upon the cause.

Ingrowing Toenails

Painful ingrowth of the nail (usually of the great toes), can result in repeated infections and pain caused by rubbing, particularly in shoes. It is easily treated with a simple day case operation, usually done under local anaesthetic to remove part of the nail causing the damage to prevent recurrence of symptoms in the future.

Pilonidal Disease

Pilonidal disease is a condition where hairs collect in small pits under the skin. This is nearly always between the buttocks in the tail bone region. The pit usually has a small opening on to the surface of the skin. This is called a pilonidal sinus. Hair, sweat and (if there is infection) pus can come out through the sinus.

Download Pilonidal Disease Information Sheet